材料与能源学院集成电路工程专业2012级硕士研究生庄米雪同学的两篇研究论文也被期刊“International Journal of Hydrogen Energy”(2014年影响因子:2.930)和期刊“Electronic materials letters”(2014年影响因子:3.977)分别接收发表,这两篇论文为:M.X. Zhuang, A.X. Wei, Y. Zhao, J. Liu, Z.Q. Yan, Z. Liu. “Morphology-controlled growth of special nanostructure CuInS2 thin films on an FTO substrate and their application in thin film solar cells” [1]与Mixue Zhuang, Aixiang Wei, Jun Liu, Yu Zhao, and Zhiqiang Yan. “Growth of Nanosheet Array and Nanosheet Microsphere CuInS2Thin Films on Transparent Conducting Substrates”[2]。
论文链接: [1]http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.09.042;
[2] DOI: 10.1007/s13391-014-4035-4